sink like a stone

2907 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ryanair's Michael O'Leary hoisted on his own fecking EU £315m petard - rejoice!

The link is in the side bar but Ryanair (RYA) Euro loon Michael O'Leary  is today hoisted on his own £315 million EU petard. Fecking excellent news. Elsewhere I look at the piece of Turkish that is Golden Saint Resources (GSR) - still pissing away £3k a month on PR genius Steffi - as it heads for insolvency again. Then it is onto Nighthawk (HAWK) and Trinity Exploration (TRIN) and the problems for banks that lend to oil companies. Then I refer to HSS Hire (HSS) and cover Andalas (ADL) again as its shares sink like a stone. They have a lot further to sink, sell now!
